Get Fit By Fork Rebecca


My name is Rebecca and I am the woman behind Get Fit By Fork. My business is empowerment and my business is taking the thinking out of your nutrition and fitness so that your environment reinforces the decisions that enable you to live the life you want to be living. 


Most people who try to take control of their health get exhausted just by reading about it. Or they take too much on and burn out in a blaze of cookies. Working with me, we’ll do less, but consistently. I teach you systems and offer products that make a healthier, fitter, happier you most intuitive. 


I went from a self-described ‘chubby nerd’ growing up who made a reputation for herself reading Harry Potter novels in one sitting and eating everything in sight, to supercoach earning my Precision Nutrition Level 2 and the NASM personal trainer certifications. 


Growing up I thought I was allergic to exercise. I even tried to opt out of the mandatory credit in high school. My whole family was overweight or obese and at the age of 15 I joined Weight Watchers with my Mom in an effort to lose weight. Guess what? It worked! Until of course it didn’t. Every pound lost was a monumental effort, one that no amount of point finagling could sustain. I gained it all back, and would continue to do so every couple of years in fits and spurts on diets. 


I remember thinking I was unhealthy at that weight….that was until I went into the dark. A vagabond for hire since I graduated university, I got a dream come true assignment. I would be stationed in the Arctic during the 24 hour darkness at one of Canada’s most northerly research stations. While this was great for adventure, it wasn’t great for my health. I gained about 30 pounds in less than three months. I thought once I returned ‘back south’ that it would come off, but after two years of on/off dieting it barely shifted. I hated my body, I hated moving, and food was my comfort, my joy, my crutch. 


That life is still vivid in my mind and my attitude towards my body and my relationship with food today is so different. What changed? Nothing overnight, but in the next two years I started living, in some small way each day, what ‘Athletic Rebecca’ would do. Would she eat a whole tray of cookies? She’d eat each one slowly, relishing the taste. Would she workout? She’d do pushups off the wall or a high counter while waiting for her tea to boil. Would she despise her body? She’d take care of it like she would want someone she loved to take care of theirs in the long term, and in the short term…she’d invest in clothes that fit!


Nothing changed overnight, but after another couple of years the excess weight was gone and after hiring a health coach, I set out this time to get support for how to support my body in getting strong and to take the thinking out of nutrition. It changed my life I had to pass on how to take that knowledge and transform it into action. Since 2019, I’ve worked with hundreds of clients one on one in my coaching practice to cut out the noise that is the health and fitness industry, incorporate movement that matters, and simplify nutrition to food that you love that also loves you back. That’s a whole lot of jargon to say that I know what it’s like and not only did I figure out what worked for me, but I went and figured out how to help others to make their own transformations. 


Getting slower and heavier is not an inevitable consequence of aging. Together we can build a practice of movement, of eating, of living, that exemplifies your values and priorities. I simplify health and fitness so that food isn’t your best friend or greatest enemy and exercise isn’t a chore, it is ‘just something you do’. No matter where you are in the world, we’ll get you living fit by fork.