This blog post doesn’t have any graphics,


Or an outline.


I haven’t figured out the SEO, or tags, or a theme.


I’ll trust Grammarly to smooth out the rough edges and catch the typos.


Basically, this is me getting started. The first step. It’s that way with improving your health and fitness too. I know I wanted to have perfect information to start. I wanted to be efficient. Better to start with the perfect exercise and nutrition plan so that I wouldn’t waste time. The thing is though, even if science could tell us what the perfect diet or training program is, if it didn’t work for our goals, our priorities, our life…then it’s not the perfect plan.


There’s never going to be a perfect time to work on your health and fitness and we’re never going to have perfect information. Taking a step in the direction we want to go, no matter how imperfect, is the first step.


Maybe that’s doing pushups off the counter while waiting for the kettle to boil, choosing an extra serving of vegetables at dinner, or going to sleep 15 minutes earlier. It’s not glamorous, but it all adds up.


Just like this blog post. It’s not fancy, but it’s out there, it’s my imperfect start at creating a space that puts out some sanity into the diet and fitness industry. Someone, maybe Benedict Cumberbatch, but probably not, said ‘After Enlightenment Comes the Laundry’. Life is always going to have laundry…it’s part of The Grind. In life, we can hate our laundry, or we can enjoy it. Enjoy The Grind. I am here grinding with you.


Me First. I’m about to hit ‘Publish’ and do a celebratory squat. Let’s do this.


Your turn 😉